DXF035 Howard The Duck
No Affiliation
50 points
6 stealth |
6 stealth |
7 flurry |
7 flurry |
6 flurry |
KO |
KO |
KO |
KO |
KO |
KO |
KO |
9 |
9 special |
10 special |
10 special |
9 |
KO |
KO |
KO |
KO |
KO |
KO |
KO |
17 combat reflexes |
16 combat reflexes |
17 super senses |
16 super senses |
15 super senses |
KO |
KO |
KO |
KO |
KO |
KO |
KO |
2 special |
2 special |
2 special |
2 |
2 |
KO |
KO |
KO |
KO |
KO |
KO |
KO |
slot | 1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
, Celebrity
, Defenders
, Martial Artist
, Mystical
, Politician
Real Name: Howard
Master Of Quack-Fu Howard the Duck can use Sidestep.
Fowl-Mouthed! Howard the Duck can use Incapacitate. When he does, he may target all adjacent opposing characters.
We Can Do This The Wrong Way, Or My Way! At the beginning of your turn, choose a standard power that an adjacent friendly character can use. Until your next turn, all characters within 6 squares and line of fire of Howard the Duck can't use the chosen power.
Fowl-Mouthed! Howard the Duck can use Incapacitate. When he does, he may target all adjacent opposing characters.
We Can Do This The Wrong Way, Or My Way! At the beginning of your turn, choose a standard power that an adjacent friendly character can use. Until your next turn, all characters within 6 squares and line of fire of Howard the Duck can't use the chosen power.