WXM010 Shatterstar
No Affiliation
73 points
9 charge |
9 charge |
8 sidestep |
8 sidestep |
8 sidestep |
7 charge |
KO |
KO |
KO |
KO |
KO |
KO |
11 special |
11 special |
10 special |
10 blades/claws/fangs |
10 blades/claws/fangs |
9 blades/claws/fangs |
KO |
KO |
KO |
KO |
KO |
KO |
17 combat reflexes |
17 combat reflexes |
16 combat reflexes |
16 combat reflexes |
17 combat reflexes |
16 combat reflexes |
KO |
KO |
KO |
KO |
KO |
KO |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 exploit weakness |
2 exploit weakness |
2 exploit weakness |
KO |
KO |
KO |
KO |
KO |
KO |
slot | 1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
, Mojoverse
, New Mutants
, Warrior
, X-Factor
, X-Force
X Portal:
Once per game, give Shatterstar a power action. Place Shatterstar and an adjacent friendly character of a lower point value in any adjacent squares on the map AND his friendly character can't given a non-free action this turn.[errata]
Two Twin-Blades:
Shatterstar can use Blades/Claws/Fangs and Flurry.